Create knowledge collections, chat with your data, and find information fast with advanced search. Scale with your organization and customize AI assistants using Yurts.
Discover how companies are revolutionizing knowledge management with Yurts. Learn to streamline info searches, enhance data access, and maintain security with Gen AI. See practical examples and customization tips. Contact Yurts!
Discover how Maddie utilizes Enterprise AI for onboarding, document searching, and meeting prep, transforming the work experience. Explore the potential.
Yurts, a powerful generative AI solution, securely connects across systems, fostering enterprise adoption. It integrates with company data, making knowledge accessible and secure.
Reduce time to data-informed decisions with trusted, context-rich enterprise AI. Instantly find info across teams and data, get accurate answers, and enable seamless sharing enterprise-wide.
Choose Yurts, trusted for high-level security by the DoD. Gain full control over data location, configure based on security needs, and harness Gen AI for secure process automation.
Yurts enterprise AI chat makes complex documents easy to understand: summarized overviews, suggested questions, precise citations, and AI-based inquiry assistance.